WELCOME TO MY LIVE ACTION FEED! Ok, let's get started with this puppy thing.. Bleh. I got this weird energy message or something.. But meh I was already in the Forest by the time it popped up, so I didn't see it. So I got my outfit ready for "puppy sitting" (I'm actually gonna go to a pity party and eat all of the cake) Anyway... There are limited items and I uh.. Actually want the board. Guilty pleasure. Heh. DON'T TELL ANYONE!
Ok anyways... Let's see the actual footage of this... Puppy sitting.
The sexism is real... Yorkie is for girls and Husky is for boys and Pug is gender neutral. I AM NOT CALLING THEM ANY OF THOSE CUTEY NAMES SO NO HUGGY PUG FOR YOU. Anyways I was gonna pick the pug but I'm not calling it huggy pug so why not the husky?
OK FANTAGE.. IF THIS IS ONE OF THOSE GAMES I WILL FOR SURE KILL IT, BECAUSE I ALWAYS END UP KILLING IT. Ok so it doesn't do anything and there's no fun to it... :xxxx It just shows this logo thing. BLAH I'M DONE WITH THIS CUTESY SEXISM I MEAN LOOK, THE DOG HOUSE IS * BLUE *. BLUE! Bye. I expect more from you. Fantage.
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